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If You Are Struggling With Trichotillomania or Compulsive Hair Pulling...
FREE Download: This Weird Trick Got My Eyebrows To Grow Back FULLY
For The First Time in 6 YEARS
Click The Button Below To Learn In Minutes What Took Me Years To Discover
P.S. This can be used for Eyelash and Scalp Hair pulling too!

Learn the exact framework I used to reduce pulling and experience regrowth

Unlock daily actionable items based on my 6 Core Pillars of regrowth

Gain a deeper understanding of trichotillomania and yourself

The Response
Retraining Framework
To go in tandem with our newfound awareness of pulling, we need a system of tracking every action that we are now aware of. It’s a meticulous process, but super necessary to actually see what’s going on every day. When I began tracking, I was shocked at how much I actually attempted to pull. Before I started this practice, I would have told you that I pull out 3 or 4 hairs per day. But once I actually began keeping an honest record of every time I went to pull, I could barely believe that I was pulling out 7-10 hairs per day, and attempting to pull many more than that.

Download My Free 17-Page
Response Retraining Framework:
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