For folks dealing with trichotillomania, hair pulling can be an automatic response to emotions, like stress or boredom.
There are two main ways people pull their hair: focused and unfocused. Focused is when you're aware you're doing it but can't stop yourself because those emotions are just too intense. Unfocused is when you don't even realize you're doing it until the hair's already gone. Either way, it's a mental rollercoaster that can come with tons of self-judgment and fear of what others might think.
So, how do we tackle this? Enter Habit Reversal Therapy for trichotillomania. It's got three parts:
1.Awareness Training: This is like learning when and why your brain decides get the urge to pull. Maybe it's when you're alone and sedentary or when you're stressing over an essay. Once you know your triggers, you can prep yourself to fight the urge, like taking some deep breaths or moving your hangout spot closer to a buddy.
2. Competing Response Training: Time to replace that pulling with something else. Think clenching your fist tight for 30 seconds or wearing gloves. It's all about making it physically tricky to pull off.
3. Social Support: You gotta have your squad cheering you on. When friends and fam aren't around, that's where Pluck comes in. It's like your personal HRT coach in a webcam.
Awareness Training with Pluck
This thing watches your hand like a hawk. When it spots that pulling motion, bam! You get a pop-up reminder, making you aware of what you're up to. Over time, you start noticing patterns in your pulling, like when you're glued to social media.
Competing Response Training with Pluck
That same pop-up gives you a chance to catch yourself in the act and take a breather. Plus, it suggests alternative behaviors to keep those hands busy.
Social Support with Pluck
Every time you dismiss that pop-up, you're hit with a positive affirmation, like "I am beautiful" or "I am resilient." It's like a virtual pep talk, boosting you up when you're flying solo and reinforcing the new behavior.
With Pluck by your side, you're not just fighting trichotillomania alone. You've got a virtual HRT cheerleader backing you up, every step of the way.
For even more virtual support join our Facebook group for weekly affirmations and positive mindset shifts: